and Art to Choke Hearts (Hereafter referred to as "Photographer") Regulating the ownership and use of photographs and derivative works based thereupon (collectively hereafter the "Photos") taken by Photographer of Model.
The basis for this contract is a non-commercial arrangement where Model in the interest of gaining modelling experience or self promotion, agrees that in exchange of modelling time, he/she/they shall receive processed photographs delivered to Model by Photographer in the quantity and format described as follows:
Digital files: Quantity 4 total with a resolution of 300dpi, in Jpeg format free to download
Digital downloads will be made available via the website specified and owned by the photographer (currently but may also be made available through other media, such as Flickr or image hosting sites)
Delivery shall take place in a timely manner and under any circumstance no longer than 14 days after the date of the shoot.
This delivery constitutes the whole obligation of Photographer towards Model. Model agrees that copyright, moral rights, and all other intellectual property rights to the Photos belongs to Photographer and/or his or her heirs, licensees or assigns, with full right of lawful disposition in any manner.
Model agrees that, while he/she may use the Photos for purposes related to the promotion of Model's modelling business, including, but not limited to: advertising, portfolios, composite cards, exhibitions, social media, contests, and promotional web sites, Model will not sell or otherwise transfer publication rights to any of the Photos without Photographer's prior consent. Likewise, Photographer agrees that while he/she may use the Photos for purposes related to the promotion of Photographer's photography business, including, but not limited to: advertising, portfolios, composite cards, social media, exhibitions, contests, and promotional web sites, Photographer will not sell or otherwise transfer publication rights to any of the Photos except with Model's prior consent.
Model understands that Photographer has the moral right to be identified as the author of the Photos when copies of the Photos are presented to the public, and shall communicate this understanding to publishers, designers and other third parties that act on Model's behalf to create presentation material using the Photos.
Model agrees that the Photos shall not be cropped, altered or distorted in any way when they are used to promote Model's modelling business.
Any watermark and copyright notice that appear as part of a Photo must be left intact.
Model releases and agrees to hold Photographer and/or his or her heirs, licensees or assigns, harmless from any claim or liability in connection with the publication or use of these images in any manner or form whatsoever under this release form, unless it can be clearly shown that the foregoing was maliciously caused, and produced, and published solely for the purpose of subjecting Model to conspicuous ridicule, scandal, reproach, scorn, and indignity.
Model hereby affirms that all poses, positions and situations enacted in the Photos covered in this release were entered into without force, coercion, or threat whatsoever, and were posed freely by Model with Model's full consent as stipulated in this document.
Model further agrees to hold blameless and free of all accusation of such force or coercion Photographer, his legal representatives, assigns, and those acting under his permission.
Model hereby affirms that she/he/they are over the age of 18 and Model is fully able to contract in his/her/their own name without breach of any prior agreement or applicable law, including, but not limited to, prior agreements with modelling and talent agencies.
Both Model and Photographer affirms to have read the foregoing prior to its execution and agree to the contents thereof.
The model agrees that the Photographer may alter the images after the shoot to achieve an artistic vision (including but not limited to props, environment, clothing, physical adjustments, and colour). The Photographer will adhere to our code of ethics ( and to the Model's agreed limits below: